Typing – procedural memory…

I still remember when I first typed on my Computer keyboard , I used to think why the heck is these keys are placed randomly. Does it really make sense to place Q W E R T Y 😏 Why not it is placed alphabetically ?? But yes there is a logic behind placing these keys in these particular order. Being neophyte, I used to see the keyboard and type . I was so slow in typing the words(as slow as earthworm 🥴).

I was sitting idle after my college days. I thought why not utilise the time learning some typing. So one fine day I installed Typing Master. Then I started doing the drills. It was so fun as there were challenges and games. Though I didn’t complete it complete tutorial, but I managed to learn it of my own after completing 70-80% of it.

When I joined IT organisation I started typing without looking at the keyboard. It was tough at the start. If I was focussing on speed, then I used to make errors. And when I was focussing on reducing errors , my typing speed was not high. To have best of both worlds, I had to increase pace by reducing errors. With passage of time, the typing pace increased and the errors reduced. And believe me once you have good typing speed, it saves considerable amount of time communicating with the peers, coding etc… Now it has completely become no look typing.

Recently I thought to check my typing speed. I still make some errors, but its absolutely fine as we cannot be perfect. And yes there is still room for improvement 🙂 The result is 60 words per minute.

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